Saturday, June 10, 2006

Project Script

Chapter I scene x (this scene is in 2003, a little after the decision of Bush transpassing the UN's decision against the war. in Haiti, all the universities are closed and all the students are "walking" with all the population anti-lavalas. Their mouvement is called GNB following the lead of a member of "groupe184", Andy Aped. they are asking for the ex-Priest, Aristid to leave the presidency.

Characters: Ifee, Martine (teacher's assistant in the class of history&geo, in litterature but also in phylosophy) , Mr E (Ifee's favorite teacher of histo/geo, litterature and phylosophy)...and classemates.

Ifee- Too complicated. What if the world was one big joke? Everything seems to be based on some logical order. that famous rule of life called causality and consequences. A multitude of papers has been written to define the law and so, to determine a justice that everybody would know the line to follow and to certainly not go through. Crap! those who write the law are also those who juge themself beyond the justice.

Martine- I hope that you re not gonna tell this to the examiner!

Ifee- (laughting): why not? it's the truth!

Martine- humm, yeah, but the frenchs are very diplomatic.

Ifee- so? it's a fact. Besides, they hate americans, they really would appreciate one another un-foolish person who desagree with their politics.

Martine- you mean, you are excluding them of those who juge themself too powerful to respect the law?

Ifee- hey, France is, at least, less pretentious.

Martine- listen to you!

Ifee- what? i m not affaid of saying what i think.

Martine- that is great, but girl, you have all your life to say what you think. now, you have to pass your exam.

Ifee- they gonna agree with me.

Martine- maybe, but it's not a matter of saying what they believe, it's a matter of saying it brilliantly.

Ifee- (with a mocking smile, faking indignation) are you saying that i m not brilliant?

Martine- what i m saying, is that you better practice your arguments. they won't care if you are for or against the war, you better be worried about if you are ready for the Oral exam!

and Martine push her friendly toward the door. Ifee was late for the class of Mr E, witch was Phylosophy today. She oppends the door with an embarrassed smile, they were in a middle of an expose. she asked with a shy regard to the teacher if she had the permission to come in and as the students were still talking, he showed her by a sigh of the hand her empty chair.

Yanah: (wispering) where were you!

Ifee:(wispering) with Martine, i hade an oral with her.

Yanah:how was it?

Ifee: (ironically) as always, she doesn't want to admit that I'm a genious and that I'm right and she's wrong.

yanah: (rolling her eyes) what was it again?

Ifee: you know as a friend you should be on my side!

Yanah: I am, but Ifee, you should take the exams a little more seriously.

Ifee: ouh... I know that. it's just more fun when you are faking to be more sensitive to the subjects.

Yanah: (laughting) you mean you are not!

Ifee: (laughting) what? you think i care about....

Mr. E: Ifee!

Ifee stoped laghting and put an angelic smile on her face and waited to hear the questions that was coming along just for her.

Mr. E: Christian thinks that the students are doing a good job walking on the street to speak their minds. we know that those demonstrations are leading into nothing but violent reaction of the govenment's partisans. what do you think?

Ifee: humm.... i think that... the opposition should stop pretending, and they should react also.

David: but that's the whole point.

Christian: this is all the difference, this is what makes us greater then them!

Alex: yeah, and anyways, Ifee This is our reaction!

Ifee: for what? for getting killed?

Chistian: no for our beliefs.

Alex: For showing them what is the true value of ideas, perseverence and
courage. this is how we fight so they can feel that they are the ones who s doing it wrong.

Ifee: are you kidding!!!! didn't you notice? they are not gonna understand this language, they are a bunch of uncivilized savage. what? you want to show your nobble heart and fight for an humble idea?! you know that you are not even going for the same reason as everybody, no body has the same reason anyway.

Mr. E: well, of course no, each personn has his own reason, Ann may go for the fun of it (the class laght),some for the governement, some for curiousity, some for the victims but at least everybody has one thing in common, they want it to changed.

kara: so what are you saying? we should not continue with the demonstration?

Ifee: no, just kill them all!

All: oh!!!?

as they were talking, Ifee standed up seemed really mad. and everybody was shocked by her words. all the class was looking at her with horrible eyes and mr. E starts to laught.

Christian: no... by doing that, you are proving that you are just like them.

Ifee: and die?

Bertrand: you can't be serious! we have been walking for months now, and we can't just give up like that. we could change our tactics.

Ifee: (sarcasticly) oh yeah, you want to negociate?

Christian: so you really don't believe in those strikes?

Ifee: i did, during the first weeks. but after all those days, i ve been tired of being worryed. i have a baccalaure to pass! i can t be stressed because of those shiet! the priest is not going to give up the power like that, you have to face it guys, what are we waiting for?

Alex: so you want to go there with guns?

Sam: wow, Ifee you are impressive.

Ifee: oh c'mon, we could just blow the country up with all haitians and then rebuilt everything after!

Bertrand: and aren't you haitian?

Ifee: so? i don t care. i deserve it too.

Mr. E: (mocking) so ladies and gentleman, we have a fascist in the class who wants to blow up all the country.

Ifee: oh really Mr E, don't you think it s kind of childish to wait and hope that the americans are gonna come and save us? we are here, and we are the one who has to respond.

Bertrand: and your answer to this is starting a war?!

Ifee: hello!!! the war has already begin. can't you just face the facts that the lower class outside, is attacking us because they think that they have the right to do so?

Bertrand: it all started because of people like you concidering them as lower class and uncivilized.

Ifee: in all the countries of the planet, class distinction exists, why is it a huge problem in haiti? and in case that you didn't notice, they do conduct themself as uncivilized creatur. and i dare you to say that throwing rocks on people, cuting heads and burn cars is normal.

Mr. E: and it s exacly the right moment to show them some exemple, if we want this to really change, including that class prejudice we have some sacrifice to make.

Ifee: witch would be our lives? oh I'm sorry, but they really don't deserve that kind of honnor.So...what? I m going to offer myself singing "Jesus help us" and they gonna attack us as they desire?

sebastien: you desapoint me Ifee, i thought you were more smart then that.

Ifee: smart?! what ever! (she sit down on her chair)

Yanah: (wispering) you can't be serious! you really think so?

Ifee: well, it s a great idea... but no, c'mon i m kidding. this debate was dead anyway.

ps: the scene is in the class of phylosophy, and the students are talking about the actual situation of haiti.
Ifee shows her paradoxal personnality: her natural instinct of violence, when she declare herself against war.
she thinks it s fair defending herself by fighting back. but she believes in justice because she's against the war (the dialogue with martine).

she proves that, she s not always pround of her thoughts (unlike what she said to martine), because she's passed it as a joke when she really were mad about that whole pacific idea.
.....etc [to work on more]